317 SE Trilein Drive, Ankeny IA 50021
515-964-0264 office@ankenypresbyterian.org
You may become a church member in the following ways: a profession of faith, reaffirmation of faith, or transfer of membership from another church. The Presbyterian Church (USA) recognizes all baptisms done in water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. If you have already been baptized, you do not need to be baptized again.
To make a profession of faith is to stand before the congregation and, for the first time, be baptized, affirming that you have placed your faith in Jesus Christ and desire to follow him as your Lord.
A reaffirmation of faith involves the same profession of faith, but it is done when an individual has previously made a profession of faith and yet is unable to secure a certificate of transfer or evidence of church membership.
A transfer of membership requires your current church of membership to send a certificate of transfer to APC. If you desire to join by transfer, you can make this request to the Pastor, who will direct our administrative team to initiate the process.
Whether you join by profession, reaffirmation, or transfer, we ask new members to meet with the Pastor for a brief orientation meeting in which you will be introduced to our congregation and the meaning of church membership, including the meaning of Baptism. Although you may have an extensive church background, we still want you to take part in this orientation so that all new members may begin their time at APC with a clear understanding of how our congregation operates.
After participating in an orientation meeting, you will have the opportunity to submit a member information form and be invited to meet with the members of Session (our governing board), who will officially receive you into membership. Following that meeting, we will schedule time during worship to publicly welcome you as a member of Ankeny Presbyterian Church. If you (or your children) have never been baptized, the baptism will take place at this time.
Whether or not you become an official member of Ankeny Presbyterian Church, you are welcome to worship, grow, and serve with us!